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I highly recommend Chris as a voice teacher to anyone who wishes to learn singing! He is knowledgeable, patient, and kind. My voice has improved immensely from our lessons, as well as my understanding of vocal technique. Working with Chris is fun and rewarding, and I have taken lessons from him for a year now.”
Arya — June 2020/21

Studio Member Testimonials
I took voice with Chris over the course of one of my semesters at New York University. Being in the theater program, I had experience with multiple teachers prior, however, Chris was the first vocal coach where I was able to actively track my growth, which was tremendous. His method of teaching challenges the student to intensely engage and sincerely reflect after each lesson, which personally helped me in creating even more awareness about vocal health, training and longevity. He also requires the student to record each lesson, which continues to help me during my off season times (when I am not training). I think that Chris has a unique way of connecting with his students and creating a welcoming environment that produces accelerated growth and I would recommend him to any singer wherever they are on their vocal journey.”
Makoa — June 2020
I was fortunate to be selected for Christopher’s summer scholarship lessons during the summer of 2021. During this time, he proved to be extremely flexible, understanding, and knowledgeable. Our lessons were an hour long and each time, even though I had sang for almost the entire duration of the lesson, I never left fatigued. In fact, on the contrary, each time we ended a session, I felt better vocally than I had going into the lesson. He was able to enlighten me to less-efficient habits I have developed since my college studies as well as provide a great deal of positive feedback and encouragement. I highly recommend Christopher to anyone in search of a vocal coach whether singing is your passion, career, or hobby. Christopher’s pedagogical approach to singing is thorough, intentional, and flexible. His incorporation of high-resolution technology for his online lessons allow him to provide the necessary feedback for vocal adjustments or critiques. I will also advocate for his sensitivity to his students needs at every moment of the lesson. Any time I would become noticeably frustrated or overthink a concept or exercise, Chris would gently guide me away from the frustrating element and allow my mind to rest before we revisited the concept. The cherry on top is his bubbly personality and excellent people skills."
Chy B. — July 2021
I had a really great experience taking weekly voice lessons with Christopher! He was very thorough and detailed in his approach to help me better understand and utilize my voice. If something wasn’t clicking at first, he found a different image to use or way of approaching what I was trying to do to make it make sense for me. He gave me carefully selected songs to review and work on that suited my voice, as well as being open to whatever I had to bring to work on. I also appreciated that each session ended with a sort of summary of key takeaways from that particular lesson. Overall, voice lessons with Christopher was a very wonderful experience that I would highly recommend!”
Corry J. Ethridge — June 2021
Chris is a caring teacher, mentor, and friend. He consistently encouraged me to explore and feel my own voice. By the end of the class I became much more comfortable vocalizing in general. His love for vocal mechanics gave me more than an experiential type of learning process. I am super glad I was able to learn about musicality and anatomy. Simply after 3 months of training, both in-person and online, I gained more vocal confidence and was familiar with basic vocal techniques and had access to supplementary resources for future guidance.”
QxF — June 2020
I cannot sing enough praises to the vocal teachings of Christopher Fotis. As a freshman at NYU Tisch Drama, the standards for vocal teachers are set intimidatingly high. Christopher’s care for consistency within his work and welcoming persona exceeded my expectations. Christopher’s techniques allowed for massive strides in my vocal health and exploration of newfound ease in range I would never know I could sing in without him. After only a few lessons, he was able to form tools to aid in breaking habits past coaches took years to uncover. One (myself) may even call him “The Soprano Whisperer”. The unique nature of his technique and flexibility of his vocal understanding is absolutely unmatched.”
Carley L. — June 2020
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